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Welcome to the CAG Student Blog!

Hello everyone,

My name is Laurel Ann Muldoon and I am your Student Councillor. Part of my role is to be your voice at our upcoming annual Canadian Association of Geographers meeting at Laval University in Quebec. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to e-mail me anytime. Have you had a chance to check out all the student benefits the CAG has to offer?

So what does the CAG provide for students?

The Canadian Association of Geographers gives students great resources and opportunities to fuel their research or career in Geography. Part of being a member means that you are part of a community. You get exclusive access to study groups that allow thoughtful discussions and networking opportunities. Some of our study groups include the Environment and Resources Study Group, the Canadian Women and Geography Study Group, the GIS study group and many more. We have 15 unique groups to choose from. If you can’t decide, you can join multiple.

One of my favorite aspects, for new graduate students and career seekers, is notification of opportunities directly to your inbox via the CAGlist. I have never missed a great opportunity to network and find potential opportunities.

The Canadian Association of Geographers offers a student travel grant. If you have paid your membership and are in good standing the CAG is here to help cover some of the cost to present your work at our regional and national conferences. It is an excellent platform to present your work and network with fellow geographers. You never know, you may be one presentation away from an amazing collaborative paper.

We are also active on Twitter and Facebook, be sure to check us out and follow.

- Laurel Ann Muldoon, CAG Student Councillor

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