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Job Postings / Affichages d'emplois

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Position Title


Closing Date


Assistant Professor of Instruction

Ecosystem Ecology

Northwestern University

The Program in Plant Biology and Conservation

Open until filled

Graduate Student Positions

Arctic Hydrology

Wilfrid Laurier University

Geography and Environmental Studies

Open until filled

Maîtrise en géomatique appliquée

Géographie de la santé

Université de Sherbrooke

Département de Géomatique appliquée,


jusqu'à ce que le poste soit comblé

Funded Master’s and PhD Opportunities

Digitalization, Financialization and Consolidation in the Canadian Agri-Food Sector

University of Regina & York University


Open until filled

Queen’s National Scholar

Indigenous Science

Queen's University

Department of Biology and School of Environmental Studies

Open until filled

Maîtrise en géomatique appliquée

Géographie urbaine

Université de Sherbrooke

Département de Géomatique appliquée,


jusqu'à ce que le poste soit comblé

PhD position

Geospatial data fusion and modelling of seabed sediment properties in Atlantic Canada

Memorial University

Earth & Geospatial Science Lab

Open until filled

Pedagogical Development of Remote Sensing courseware and Research Manager (Dual role)

Carleton University

Department of Geography and Environmental Studies

Open until filled

Operations Program Manager (Hybrid)



Open until filled

Postdoctoral Fellowship

Climate Change Impacts on Adolescent Health

Athabasca University​

Open until filled

Assistant Professor

Housing, Community and Economic Development

University of Toronto (St. George)

Department of Geography & Planning


Associate Professor/ Professor


University of Toronto (St. George)

Department of Geography & Planning


Land & Resource Coordinator

BC Public Service

Ministry of Forests


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Canadian Association of Geographers


PO Box 25039 

Welland RPO Rose City, ON  L3B 6G9

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