Student Travel Grant to attend the CAG Annual Meeting/Conference

Each year the CAG provides grants to assist current student and postdoc members who are presenting papers/posters to attend the CAG Annual Meeting. This applies to student members who are Canadian citizens living in Canada or abroad and non-Canadian student members who are residing in Canada.
To be eligible in a given year, students or postdocs must have held a CAG membership in the year prior to the meeting as well as the year in which the meeting takes place, and their paper/poster must have been accepted. It is not necessary that proof of paper/poster acceptance be established until after the meeting. The amount of the grant will depend on the number of applicants and distance travelled.
The membership year runs from January to December.
Please see our CAG Statement on Collegial Conduct and Respectful Exchange.
Contact Us
Canadian Association of Geographers
PO Box 25039
Welland RPO Rose City, ON L3B 6G9