Privacy Statement
Information about our Organisation and Website
Modern information and communication technologies play a fundamental role in the activities of an organization like The Canadian Association of Geographers. We are committed to respecting and protecting the privacy and confidentiality of the personal information our members have entrusted us with. We are a national association based in Canada and through our journal, The Canadian Geographer, and the presentation of papers at the national and regional meetings, the CAG is committed to the dissemination of geographic research.
Our principal activities are:
Publication of a journal, newsletter and directory
Annual General Meetings
Our privacy policy covers The Canadian Association of Geographers and its website:
Organisation: The Canadian Association of Geographers
Address: PO Box 25039, Welland RPO Rose City, ON L3B 6G9
Controller: Executive Committee
Website(s): www.cag-acg.ca
Providing Visitors with Anonymous Access
You can access our Website home page and browse our site without disclosing your personal data.
The Services and Links of Our Website
Our Web site does not enable our visitors to communicate with other visitors or to post information to be accessed by others.
Our Web site includes links to third party Web service providers.
We do not use cookies on our Website. We do not automatically log personal data nor do we link information automatically logged by other means with personal data about specific individuals.
Data Collection and Purpose Specification
We collect the personal data that you may volunteer while using our services. We do not collect information about our visitors from other sources, such as public records or bodies, or private organizations.
The main purpose for collecting personal information is to facilitate online payment. We also require a current mailing address in order to ensure delivery of CAG publications to each member. As well each member is entitled to be listed in the membership section of the CAG Annual Directory. Members reserve the right to request that they not be listed in the CAG Annual Directory by checking the box provided for this purpose.
Other personal information such as email addresses and telephone/fax numbers published in the CAG directory is for use between members and geography departments across Canada. Members reserve the right not to submit their telephone or fax numbers.
To access the table of personal data collected and purposes for which they are used, please see Section 1 below.
We may collect and use personal data for the additional purposes of:
preparing statistics to help distinguish current trends within the geography community and if necessary address these trends. No individual names are ever used in statistics.
Disclosure and Visitor Choice
Where we disclose your personal data for the same purposes as those indicated in the table below, we provide you with the means to opt-out:
by allowing you to omit "Background Information" at the point on the site where these data are collected
If we disclose your personal data for purposes which are different from those indicated in the table mentioned above, we will offer you the opportunity to consent to disclosure:
by indicating in a box at the point on the site where these data are collected
Refund Policy
We will refund payment in full for a membership application within 30 days from the time that payment is received (cheque cashed/credit card charged).
Delivery Policy
Members will receive 4 journals per year, spring, summer, fall and winter; up to 6 issues of the newsletter; and a copy of the annual directory at year-end. The dates for delivery may vary from season to season.
Confidentiality / Security
We give you the option of using a secure transmission method to send us the following types of personal data:
primary personal data (such as name and contact details)
identifiers (such as credit card details, Website password)
We have implemented security policies, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from:
unauthorised access
improper use or disclosure
unauthorised modification
unlawful destruction or accidental loss
All our employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of personal data, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of our visitors' personal data.
We ensure that your personal data will not be disclosed to State institutions and authorities except if required by law or other regulation.
You can review your personal data by:
going to our website www.cag-acg.ca and clicking on My Profile.
You may challenge the data that we hold about you and, where appropriate, you may:
erase the data
amend the data
complete the data
If you have an enquiry or concern about our privacy policy, please contact:
Email Address: info@cag-acg.ca
Address: PO Box 35047 Westgate, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1Z 1A2
URL: www.cag-acg.ca
Section 1
Table of personal data collected and purposes for which they are used
The purpose of collecting General Information* is to ensure delivery of CAG publications to each member. As well each member is entitled to be listed in the membership section of the CAG Annual Directory. Members reserve the right to request that they not be listed in the CAG Annual Directory by checking the box provided for this purpose. Other personal information such as email addresses and telephone/fax numbers published in the CAG directory is for use between members and geography departments across Canada. Members reserve the right not to submit their telephone or fax numbers.
*General Information
First Name
Last Name
Complete Mailing Address (include street number)
Province / State
Postal Code
Office Telephone (Optional)
Home Telephone (Optional)
Fax (Optional)
The purpose of collecting Background Information* regarding education and current employment is in preparing statistics that help distinguish current trends and equity within the geography community. This section is optional. No individual names are ever used in preparing statistics.
*Background Information (Optional)
Year of birth
Sex: Male/Female/Other
Language: English/French
Country of birth
Current Position
Employment Equity:
01 Aboriginal person
02 Member of a visible minority
03 Person with a disability
Education: Diploma Year Institution Specialization
Bachelor's Year Institution Specialization
Masters Year Institution Specialization
Doctoral Year Institution Specialization
Field of Geography: Human Geography or Physical Geography
The purpose of collecting background information such as Field of Geography is for identifying the ratio of human geographers to physical geographers upon which affiliation fees to organizations such as the CFHSS (human geographers) and the CFES (physical geographers) is based. When used in preparing statistics no individual names are ever used.
We reserve the right to change the terms of this Privacy Policy.
Contact Us
Canadian Association of Geographers
PO Box 25039
Welland RPO Rose City, ON L3B 6G9