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CAG Elections - 2023 - Élections de l'ACG


In response to the Call for Nominations for the Executive Committee Elections:


Two (2) nominations were received for the position of Anglophone Student Councillor (2023-2025):

  • Jesse Sutton, University of Western Ontario   [MORE INFO]

  • Milad Malekzadeh, University of Western Ontario  [MORE INFO]


One (1) nomination was received for the position of Vice President (2023-2024); 

the position is acclaimed by Dr. Susan Elliott, University of Waterloo   [MORE INFO]


One (1) nomination was received for the position of Secretary Treasurer (2023-2026); 

the position is acclaimed by Dr. Derrek Eberts, Brandon University   [MORE INFO]


Two (2) nominations were received for the two (2) positions of Councillor (2023-2026); 

the positions are acclaimed by:

  • Dr. Christopher Hewitt, University of Western Ontario   [MORE INFO]

  • Dr. Deondre Smiles, University of Victoria   [MORE INFO]


Note: Only CAG members may vote; votes cast by non-CAG members will not be counted.


Vote for your next Anglophone Student Councillor by following the instructions sent by email.





En réponse à l'appel de candidatures pour les élections du Comité exécutif :


Deux (2) candidatures ont été reçues pour le poste de Conseiller.e étudiant.e anglophone (2023-2025) :

  • Jesse Sutton, Université de Western Ontario   [PLUS D'INFO]

  • Milad Malekzadeh, Université de Western Ontario   [PLUS D'INFO]


Une (1) candidature a été reçue pour le poste de vice président.e (2023-2024) ;

le poste est acclamé par Dr. Susan Elliott, Université de Waterloo   [PLUS D'INFO]


Une (1) candidature a été reçue pour le poste de secrétaire trésorier.e (2023-2026) ;

le poste est acclamé par Dr. Derrek Eberts, Université Brandon   [PLUS D'INFO]


Deux (2) candidatures ont été reçues pour les deux (2) postes de conseiller.) (2023-2026) ; 

les postes sont acclamés par :

  • Dr. Christopher Hewitt, Université de Western Ontario   [PLUS D'INFO]

  • Dr. Deondre Smiles, Université de Victoria   [PLUS D'INFO]​


À noter : Seuls les membres de l'ACG peuvent voter ; les votes exprimés par des non-membres de l'ACG ne seront pas comptés.


Votez pour votre prochain.e conseiller.e étudiant.e anglophone en suivant les instructions envoyées par courriel.

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Candidate Statements / Déclarations des candidats

(available only in the language of submission / disponible uniquement dans la langue de soumission)



Jesse Sutton

Ph.D. Candidate / Candidat au doctorat (PhD)

University of Western Ontario


I am a PhD Candidate at Western University in the Department of Geography and Environment. Currently, I am the Treasure for the Canadian Association of Geographers Ontario Division, a member of the American Association of Geographers, and a Graduate Fellow at the Centre for Urban Policy and Local Governance. My fields of interest are economic geography, regional studies, and spatial econometrics. My research interests are to examine the spatial dynamics that influence Canadian regions’ economic resilience to the 2008-09 Great Recession and 2020 Economic Crisis through various spatial models, such as spatial dependence, spatial heterogeneity, and hierarchical models.


Since entering the PhD program at Western University, I have been involved in eleven conferences (including the 2022 CAG conference), four of which I chaired and two of which I organized. Also, as the co-President of the Geography Graduate Society at Western University, I have had the opportunity to engage with other graduate students. Among my many responsibilities as the co-President, I am responsible for getting graduate students to engage and participate in various events, conferences, and activities. My involvement in conferences and position as co-president prove my capability to serve as the Anglophone Student Councillor (ASC). Specifically, they highlight my experience participating and taking lead roles in conferences, as well as my experience working with graduate students and getting them engaged in various activities. I aim to cultivate greater student engagement in the CAG conferences if nominated as the ASC. 


Best wishes, 





Milad Malekzadeh

Ph.D. CandidateCandidat au doctorat (PhD)

University of Western Ontario


I, Milad Malekzadeh, am a Ph.D. candidate in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. I received my M.Sc. in GIS from the University of Tehran, Iran, and completed coursework towards an M.Sc. in Geographic Information Management and Applications at Utrecht University, Netherlands. I also hold a B.Sc. in Surveying Engineering from the University of Tehran. My current research focuses on context-aware human mobility analysis using multi-source data and machine learning. I have published several peer-reviewed papers on topics related to geospatial analysis. My research interests include geospatial analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, network analysis, big data, movement analysis, and context-aware systems. I am a member of the Canadian Association of Geographers. I am also a member of the American Association of Geographers (AAG); the integrated transportation community advisory committee, City of London, Ontario; and Esri's Young Professionals Network.


As a Student Councillor for the Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG), I am committed to serving the profession and the association by actively engaging in the CAG community. I bring a unique perspective as an international student and strive to make CAG a more inclusive space. I aim to promote the field of geography and support the development of young geographers by increasing student engagement in CAG activities, encouraging participation in committees and volunteer opportunities, creating opportunities for students to present their research and connect with other geographers, and promoting the work of CAG among student organizations and departments across Canada. Additionally, I am dedicated to working with council members to develop and implement programs that support the professional development of student members, utilizing my skills and experience to achieve this goal.

I appreciate your time and consideration, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications with you further.





Dr. Susan Elliott

Research Associate

Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo

Susan Elliott is a health geographer and University Research Chair in Health Geography at the University of Waterloo, Department of Geography and Environmental Management. She has an active research career, with 250+ publications related to global environment and (public) health. She has also supervised 50+ graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to completion. Elliott has undertaken a range of leadership roles including Director of the Institute of Environment and Health (McMaster), Senior Research Fellow in the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health, Dean of Social Sciences (McMaster University) and Dean of Health Sciences (University of Waterloo). She sits on several boards including the Canadian Association for Global Health as well as CARTS (the Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa). She is the founder and Co-editor in Chief of Wellbeing, Space & Society, as well as the Editor in Chief and medical geography editor for Social Science and Medicine. She has a commitment to impactful research in the area of global public health, and her research is characterized by strong science-policy bridging. See her lab website for more information:

Dr. Derrek Eberts

Associate Professor

Department of Geography and Environment, Brandon University

Dr. Eberts is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Environment at Brandon University. He teaches in the areas of economic and urban geography, and has research interests in the impacts of tourism on rural communities in Jalisco State, Mexico; neo-localism in the Canadian Craft Brewing Industry; and the impacts of COVID-19 on recreation in rural Manitoba, specifically on golf courses. He has previously served the CAG in several capacities including: Chair and Treasurer of the Economic Geography (formerly Economic and Social Change) study group; Treasurer of the Urban Geography study group; and Member-at-Large, then Secretary-Treasurer, then President of the Prairie Division. He has also served the academic community more generally as manuscript reviewer, textbook reviewer, grant application reviewer (including SSHRC), and planning committee member for several Geography and related conferences.

Dr. Christopher Hewitt

Mitacs Esri Canada Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Western Ontario


I hold a doctorate in Geography (Ph.D, 2016) and am currently a Mitacs Esri Canada Postdoctoral Fellow at Western University. I am also a part-time instructor at Brock University teaching in the GIS/remote sensing fields.  During my career I have taught introductory and senior level courses in areas including cartography, GIS, human geography and remote sensing.   

My primary research fields are cartography and human geography.  I also have an interest in exploring geographical topics from an historical perspective.  For my Ph.D thesis, I examined the relationship between the physical and human environment and its impact on the outcome of a key conflict in British history, the Battle of Hastings (1066). Since that time, I have undertaken research on a number of themes, including standardizing and assessing census boundary changes through time, demographic trends across Canada and the impact of extreme weather events on people and property.  I have also served as an article reviewer for a number of academic journals such as The Cartographic Journal and Transactions in GIS.   

Dr. Deondre Smiles

Assistant Professor

Department of Geography, University of Victoria

I am an assistant professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Victoria; I am also affiliated with the Indigenous Nationhood program. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Geography from Saint Cloud State University, a master’s degree in Global Indigenous Studies from the University of Minnesota Duluth, and a PhD in Geography from The Ohio State University, where I also held a postdoctoral fellowship in Indigenous Environmental History. My research interests are varied and multifaceted, but centre around several key areas: critical Indigenous geographies, human-environmental interactions, political ecology, and Indigenous cultural resource management. My current research centers around the ways that Indigenous nations can use a framework of cultural resource management and the political ecologies/economies of spaces of death in order to create new possibilities for the living/more-than-human environment in an era of climate crisis. My work is focused on both the United States and Canada, and I am currently building relationships with First Nations on Vancouver Island. 


I am the principal investigator of the Geographic Indigenous Futures Collaboratory, a lab at UVic Geography that focuses on geographic/geospatial solutions to issues of Indigenous cultural, environmental, and political sovereignty. We are one of Western Canada’s first research groups to focus on Indigenous geographies. 


I have served in a number of roles in academia besides my principal position, including serving on the editorial collectives of the journals Native American and Indigenous Studies, and Turtle Island Journal of Indigenous Health. I have served in a number of leadership roles within geography organizations, such as serving as chair of the Indigenous Peoples’ Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers; I am currently co-chair of the CAG’s Indigenous Peoples’ Working Group. I have also served extensively as a journal reviewer and a reviewer for academic grant competitions. 

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