Elections 2020 / Élections 2020
In response to the Call for Nominations for the Executive Committee Elections:
No nominations were received for the position of Secretary-Treasurer (2020-2023);
the term will be extended for current Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Joseph Leydon, University of Toronto Mississauga
Three (3) nominations were received for the two (2) positions of Councillor (2020-2023):
Dr. Craig Coburn, University of Lethbridge (Professor) [MORE INFO]
Dr. Matt Dyce, University of Winnipeg (Associate Professor) [MORE INFO]
Dr. Tor Oiamo, Ryerson University (Assistant Professor) [MORE INFO]
Note: Only CAG members may vote; votes cast by non-CAG members will not be counted. Vote for your next CAG Councillors by following the instructions sent by email.
En réponse à l'appel de candidatures pour les élections du Comité exécutif :
Aucune candidature n'a été reçue pour le poste de secrétaire-trésorier (2020-2023) ;
le mandat sera prolongé pour l'actuel secrétaire-trésorier, le Dr Joseph Leydon, l'Université de Toronto Mississauga
Trois (3) candidatures ont été reçues pour les deux (2) postes de conseiller (2020-2023) :
Dr. Craig Coburn, Université de Lethbridge (Professeur) [PLUS D'INFO]
Dr. Matt Dyce, Université de Winnipeg (Professeur associé) [PLUS D'INFO]
Dr. Tor Oiamo, Université Ryerson (Professeur adjoint) [PLUS D'INFO]
À noter : Seuls les membres de l'ACG peuvent voter ; les votes exprimés par des non-membres de l'ACG ne seront pas comptés. Votez pour vos prochains conseillers de l'ACG en suivant les instructions envoyées par courriel.
Candidate Statements / Déclarations des candidats
(available only in the language of submission / disponible uniquement dans la langue de soumission)
Dr. Craig Coburn
Professor and Chair
Department of Geography and Environment, University of Lethbridge
Dr. Coburn is a geographer with research interests in remote sensing. He joined the Department of Geography at the University of Lethbridge in 2002. With over 20 years of remote sensing experience, Dr. Coburn focuses his research efforts on the fundamental aspects of remote sensing science, with specific interests in low-cost remote sensing solutions and remote sensing instrument development. He has developed several digital remote sensing imaging systems for use in light aircraft, drones and balloons. His pioneering work in measurement systems for sampling of surface spectral reflectance variation with view angle (BRDF) assists in understanding spectral reflectance of agricultural crops and other biological systems. His most recent research, in collaboration with the global leaders in the field, focuses on the impact of BRDF on the calibration and validation of Earth observing satellite systems.
Craig has served for 15 years as the Secretary/Treasurer of the Western Division of the CAG and is the Co-Editor of Western Geography (the journal of the WDCAG). He was the recipient of the J. Lewis Robinson Award for Meritorious Service to the WDCAG in 2007. Craig’s long service at the divisionallevel provides the required context to address national scale issues facing the CAG. As Chair of a diverse department, he has provided leadership during these difficult economic times to ensure that our department remains a vibrant group of scholars meeting the needs of our students. Geography programs across the country face similar challenges with declining enrolments and tightening budgets. At the UofL, our program is changing to meet student needs and reflect disciplinary diversity.
He also serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. Craig’s servicecommitments extend to all areas of geography. He is an active journal reviewer, has been selected as an external adjudicator for faculty promotion, and frequently reviews research grants. He is dedicated to the promotion of geographical perspectives as key components to global solutions.
Dr. Matt Dyce
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, University of Winnipeg
Matt Dyce is an associate professor at The University of Winnipeg where he teaches the cultural and environmental geography of Canada. His primary research area is in the geography of knowledge; which interrogates the way information about the environment is collected, archived, represented, and enacted in the work of state formation. He also conducts work on the political ecology of prairie landscapes; including the intersection of urban nature and colonialism in Winnipeg and the history of Manitoba Hydro’s resettlement frontier.
Matt has been a member of the CAG/ACG since 2008, is the current president of the Historical Geography Study Group, and is an editorial board member of The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien. His most significant service to the association was as chair of the Local Organizing Committee for the 2019 CAG Annual Conference and AGM, held in Winnipeg on the theme of Geographies of Resistance. He also participates extensively in the CAG’s Prairie Division, helping organize two regional meetings and for four years serving as editor of Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays. Matt is the recipient of two association awards; the PCAG Early Career Scholar award and the CAG Starkey-Robinson Prize for best dissertation on Canada.
Matt believes the CAG/ACG provides an important role in representing its members and fostering a scholarly and social community among geography departments and related disciplines across Canada. He is interested in asking how the organization can evolve in its service to members, foster more inclusion of underrepresented groups, and incorporate new opportunities for students, post-doctoral researchers, and non-affiliated academics. He also believes the association can grow as a voice promoting geographic curriculum in Canadian schools and supporting full departments in universities throughout the country, and that the group can expand its advocacy into national conversations on topics such as climate policy and reconciliation.
Tor Oiamo
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Ryerson University
Tor Oiamo is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Ryerson University. Building on doctoral research at Western University and postdoctoral research at the University of Windsor’s Cross-Border Institute, his current research in environmental health geography focuses on exposure assessment.
Tor’s research includes health effects of noise and air pollution, sociocultural determinants of environmental exposures, environmental risk perception, health care access and utilization, and spatial distributions of disease. These are explored through the development of environmental models of noise and air quality, novel population exposure metrics, and simulation systems to assess health impacts of urban change.His research interests are interdisciplinary and draw on methods and theories in geography, epidemiology, environmental science and policy studies. He is particularly interested in the application and promotion of systems thinking to environmental and urban health issues, policy making and cost-benefit analyses for urban infrastructure development.
These efforts complement research activities that aim to further our understanding of environmental determinants of health as well as health and disease risks in vulnerable urban populations. Through collaboration with institutions such as Health Canada and Toronto Public Health, these research activities are oriented towards relevant environmental decision-making and policy arenas.
At Ryerson, Tor has substantial service, as he has been an active member of the Ryerson Faculty Association (both as a representative of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, and as a member of their Service Committee). He is also active within the department, serving on both the Curriculum Committee and Field Studies Committee.
Contact Us
Canadian Association of Geographers
PO Box 25039
Welland, ON L3B 5V0