GIScience Study Group
Welcome to the GIScience Study Group of the Canadian Association of Geographers. We are a subset of CAG members with interests touching various aspects of GIScience in Canada. We aim to foster a culture of collaboration, student training, and academic excellence and provide substantial support to our student members through travel grants and awards.
The GIS-SIG Study Group was formed around the interests in GIS, geomatics and related spatial technologies. Members are interested in the following:
Conducting GIScience and GIS applications research
Designing model curricula and educational tools with Canadian content
Advocating for spatial data that is free or at-the-cost-of-distribution
Designing innovative techniques for collecting and disseminating spatial data
Facilitating education in GIS, geomatics and related technologies
Fostering interdisciplinary collaboration between geographers and others interested in GIS
Call for Papers
Special Section for Canadian Geographies:
Spatial Approaches, Methods, and Technologies for Inclusive Cities and Societies
Special Section editors:
Dr. Victoria Fast, Associate Professor, University of Calgary, victoria.fast@ucalgary.ca
Dr. Shiloh Deitz, Assistant Professor, Saint Louis University, shiloh.deitz@slu.edu
Deadline: Monday January 6, 2025​

Contact Us
Canadian Association of Geographers
PO Box 25039
Welland RPO Rose City, ON L3B 6G9