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News Digest of the CAG
Edition 2, Issue 111 - October 18, 2024

Bulletin de nouvelles de l'ACG
Édition 2, Numéro 111 - le 18 octobre 2024


Awards and Achievements | Prix et réalisations

FIGS Student Paper Award Winners: Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Feminist Intersectional Solidarity Group (FIGS) Student Paper Awards - Graduate: Benjamin Wiley Sharp (University of Toronto) ; Undergraduate: Mikayla Lochbihler (Carleton University). You will be able to learn more about the Award Winners in the upcoming FIGS Newsletter. 


Lauréat.e.s des prix FIGS pour les communications étudiant.e.s : Félicitations aux lauréat.e.s des prix 2024 du Groupe de solidarité intersectionnelle féministe (FIGS) pour les communications étudiant.e.s - diplômé.e : Benjamin Wiley Sharp (Université de Toronto) ; premier cycle : Mikayla Lochbihler (Université Carleton). Vous pourrez en savoir plus sur les lauréat.e.s dans le prochain bulletin de FIGS. 


Calls for Papers and Upcoming Events

Appels à communications et événements à venir

The 5th Spatial Data Science Symposium: The 5th Spatial Data Science Symposium (#SDSS2024) will be distributed as a virtual event from October 23-24, 2024, to bring together researchers from academia, industry, non-profits, and government from all over the world. The calls for session proposals and papers are now closed. Note that, in-person discussions and presentations will be possible at local hubs, including University of Vienna, McGill University, University of Bristol, University of Utrecht, etc. For more details please see here

Call for Papers AAG 2025 - Historical Geographies of Childhood: Submissions are currently being accepted to recognizing the legacy of Gwendolyn Warren and William Bunge, who, over fifty years ago, recognized children as important agents of social geography in the Detroit Geographical Expeditions. We will explore the historical geographies of childhood, contributing to a deeper understanding of how the production of space and the construction of ‘childhood’ have been entwined historically. Submission deadline is Friday, October 25. Accepted abstracts will be confirmed by October 29. See here for full details.

Call for abstracts (EXTENDED) - CAGONT 2024 Annual Conference: The 2024 Annual meeting and Conference of the Ontario Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers will be held November 1-2, 2024 at Toronto Metropolitan University. This year’s conference is part of a larger celebration of the 50th anniversary of TMU’s Geographic Analysis program, the first stand-alone degree offered at the university. Come and celebrate this milestone with us! Registration is open now until November 1st. Abstract submission are being accepted until October 20th. See here for more

GIS Day 2024: The Geography of Health and GIS Analysis Research Group (Geography of Health and GIS | O'Brien Institute for Public Health | University of Calgary (, part of the O’Brien Institute for Public Health at the University of Calgary, is holding an online GIS day event on November 20th, 2024. To learn more, please see here

CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars Program: Applications are now open for the CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars Program. The CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars Program accelerates the development of researchers in their pivotal first years as independent principal investigators. Applications are due by November 20, 2024. Please see here to apply. For eligibility criteria, please consult the Detailed Program Overview.

Glacier dynamics session (TER73) at ArcticNets Arctic Change Conference: Brittany Main, Co-chair of the Glacier dynamics session invites you to submit an abstract to the session on glacier dynamics and changes (TER73) at ArcticNet’s 5th International Arctic Change Conference (AC2024), taking place from December 9-12, 2024 in Ottawa, Canada. For questions or additional details, please see here

Canadian Geographies CFP: Spatial Approaches, Methods, and Technologies for Inclusive Cities and Societies: Building upon the successful session “Mapping the Edges of Inclusivity” at the 2024 CAG Annual Meeting, this Special Section of Canadian Geographies aims to extend the conversation on the critical role of spatial approaches and methodologies in creating inclusive cities and societies. This special section is designed to explore more deeply these evolving edges, pushing the boundaries of our understanding of inclusive spaces and places. The goal is to collect a diverse range of contributions that embody innovation, inclusivity, and critical engagement with spatial technologies. By presenting approaches that range from data collection and spatial analysis to policy implementation, we aim to demonstrate the transformative potential of these technologies in shaping more inclusive cities and societies. For submission details and more information, please see here.

Call for Papers - Geographies of Hiking: Call for Papers for the forthcoming Special Issue on the Geographies and Mobilities of Hiking in the Post-Pandemic Anthropocene of the Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism (JORT), with guest Editors Dr. Kelsey Johansen (University of Eastern Finland), Professor Dr. Markus Pillmayer and Professor Dr. Marius Mayer (München University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany) and Dr. phil. Tim Harms and Mr. Christian Eilzer (Department of Economics and German Institute for Tourism Research, FH Westküste, Heide, Germany). Submissions close on January 31, 2025. Please see here for full details.

AAG2025 - Registration now open!: The 2025 AAG Annual Meeting is set to take place from March 24 to March 28, 2025, online and in person in Detroit, Michigan. Attendees can look forward to thousands of engaging sessions and networking opportunities, with many chances to explore the region’s ecologies and urban landscapes. In addition to paper and poster submissions, all attendees are welcome to organize sessions, propose field trips, and hold workshops. Register here or see here to learn more.  


Appel aux résumés (PROLONGÉ) - Congrès annuel 2024 de CAGONT : L'assemblée annuelle et congrès 2024 de la Division de l'Ontario de l'Association canadienne des géographes aura lieu les 1er et 2 novembre 2024 à Toronto Metropolitan University. Le congrès de cette année fait partie d'une plus grande célébration du 50e anniversaire du programme’s d'analyse géographique de TMU, le premier diplôme autonome offert à l'université. Venir célébrer cette étape importante avec nous. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu'au 1er novembre. Les soumissions de résumés sont acceptées jusqu'au 20 octobre. Voir ici pour plus d'informations

Programme des chercheurs mondiaux CIFAR-Azrieli : L'appel à candidatures est maintenant ouvert pour le Programme des chercheurs mondiaux CIFAR-Azrieli. Le programme des chercheurs mondiaux CIFAR-Azrieli accélère le perfectionnement professionnel de scientifiques au cours des premières années déterminantes de leurs recherches indépendantes. Postulez d’ici le 20 novembre 2024. Veuillez cliquer ici pour postuler. Pour les critères d'éligibilité, veuillez consulter l'aperçu détaillé du programme.


New in Canadian Geographies

Nouveau dans géographies canadiennes

Just published! The latest articles in CG.


Tout juste publié ! Les derniers articles dans GC.

Editor's Picks for October / Sélections de la Rédactrice en octobre :

  • No selected articles for October / Aucune sélection pour le mois d'octobre


Featured Article / Article en vedette

Explore Dr. Kate Sherren's Keynote Lecture from CAG2024: Landscapes on the Edge

Sherren, K.  2024.  Landscapes on the edge. Canadian Geographies / Géographies canadiennes,  1–9


Also new in CG / Nouvellement publié dans GC : 

Zoe Hagen, Ryan Walker: Generating demand for a downtown lifestyle in Saskatoon, a mid‐size city

Gabriel Camară (Book Review): The Elgar companion to valleys: Social science perspectives By Luis L. M. Aguiar, Donna Senese, and Diana E. French, Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing. 2023​


Other Recent Geography Publications 

Autres publications géographiques récentes

Applied Geography, Volume 172

International Journal of Geo-Information, Volume 13, Issue 10

Journal of Community Informatics, Volume 20, Issue 1

Journal of Latin American Geography, Volume 23, Issue 2

Moravian Geographical Reports, Volume 32, Issue 3

Progress in Human Geography, Volume 48, Issue 5

Tourism Geographies, Volume 26, Issue 6

Liste RGQ


Job Postings | Offres d'emploi

Post-Doctoral Researcher - University of Waterloo

Deadline/Date limite: 10-31-2024. [More information / Plus d'info]

Chargé.e de projets, Études d'impacts sur l'environnement - Activa Environnement

Deadline/Date limite: 11-01-2024. [More information / Plus d'info]

Chargé.e de projets, Demande d'autorisation et permis - Activa Environnement

Deadline/Date limite: 11-01-2024. [More information / Plus d'info]

Associate Professor/Professor - University of Toronto (St. George)

Deadline/Date limite: 11-04-2024. [More information / Plus d'info]

Contract Academic Staff in Geography and Environment - Brandon University

Deadline/Date limite: 11-05-2024. [More information / Plus d'info]

Professeure ou professeur au rang d’adjoint (FR), Télédétection - Université de Montréal

Deadline/Date limite: 11-11-2024. [More information / Plus d'info]

Assistant Professor (EN) in Remote Sensing - Université de Montréal

Deadline/Date limite: 11-11-2024. [More information / Plus d'info]

Assistant Professor (Teaching Stream) in Environmental Sustainability - University of Toronto (Mississauga)

Deadline/Date limite: 11-17-2024. [More information / Plus d'info]

Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in Water Science - University of Saskatchewan

Deadline/Date limite: 11-30-2024. [More information / Plus d'info]

Assistant Professor in Sustainable Cities - University of North Carolina

Deadline/Date limite: 11-30-2024. [More information / Plus d'info]

Grant Writer - SmartICE

Deadline/Date limite: Open until filled. [More information / Plus d'info]

Pedagogical Development of Remote Sensing courseware and Research Manager (Dual role) - Carleton University

Deadline/Date limite: Open until filled. [More information / Plus d'info]

PhD position - Memorial University

Deadline/Date limite: Open until filled. [More information / Plus d'info]

Maîtrise en géomatique appliquée 1 - Université de Sherbrooke

Deadline/Date limite: Open until filled. [More information / Plus d'info]

Maîtrise en géomatique appliquée 2 - Université de Sherbrooke

Deadline/Date limite: Open until filled. [More information / Plus d'info]

Queen's National Scholar in Indigenous Science - Queen's University

Deadline/Date limite: Open until filled. [More information / Plus d'info]

Graduate Student Positions - Wilfrid Laurier University

Deadline/Date limite: Open until filled. [More information / Plus d'info]

Assistant Professor of Instruction - Northwestern University

Deadline/Date limite: Open until filled. [More information / Plus d'info]


News and Announcements | Nouvelles et annonces

SAVE THE DATE! - CAG 2025: We are pleased to announce that 2025 CAG Annual General Conference and Meeting will be hosted by the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Carleton University from May 20-23, 2025. Stay tuned for more announcement and updates! 

Geographical Research News from York U: York’s Geography programs are now housed in a new Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change (EUC). Every month the Faculty sends out a research newsletter covering recent publications, events, awards, etc. EUC is happy to share  the months of September/October  EUC Research Updatewith CAG colleagues. 

Reminder to Students: The CAG offers a Student Travel Grant to assist students who present a paper or poster at our Annual Meeting. To be eligible for the grant to attend the 2025 meeting at Carleton University, students must hold a CAG Student membership in the year prior to the meeting (2024) as well as the year in which the meeting takes place (2025) and their paper/poster must be accepted. 2024 membership application forms and payments must be received by November 30, 2024 in order to qualify to apply for 2025 the travel grant. Students who are members of the CAG will receive the application form directly from the CAG Office.  


RÉSERVEZ LA DATE ! ACG 2025 : Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer que l'Assemblée générale annuelle et Congrès de l'ACG 2025 sera accueilli par le Département de géographie et d'études environnementales de l'Université Carleton, du 20 au 23 mai 2025. Restez à l'écoute pour d'autres annonces et mises à jour ! 

Rappel aux étudiants : L'ACG offre une Subvention de voyage aux étudiants pour les aider à présenter une communication ou une affiche à L'Assemblée annuelle de l'ACG. Pour être admissible à la subvention pour assister à la réunion de 2025 à Carleton University, les étudiants doivent avoir été membres de l'ACG au cours de l'année précédant la réunion (2024), ainsi que de l'année où la réunion a lieu (2025), et leur article ou leur affiche doit avoir été accepté. Les formulaires de demande d'adhésion pour 2024 et les paiements doivent être reçus au plus tard le 30 novembre 2024 pour être admissibles à la subvention de voyage. Les étudiants qui sont membres de l'ACG recevront le formulaire de demande directement du bureau de l'ACG.  


The CAG works for Geographers! L'ACG, au service des géographes 

small cag logo.jpg

GeogNews is compiled and published by the Canadian Association of Geographers. If you would like to share an item in the next edition (recent publication, Call for Papers, award or recognition, news, announcement, etc.), please send it directly to

GeogNews est compilé et publié par l'Association canadienne des géographes. Si vous souhaitez partager quelque chose dans la prochaine édition (publication récente, appel à communications, prix ou reconnaissance, nouvelles, annonce, etc.) veuillez l'envoyer directement à

À noter : Les éléments et annonces majeurs ainsi que tout le contenu de l'ACG sont présentés en français et en anglais. Les articles, les appels à communications et certains événements ne sont présentés que dans la langue utilisée.


Please note: Major items, announcements, and all CAG content are presented in both English and French. Articles, Calls for Papers, and some events are only presented in the language used.

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