Membership Benefits

Since 1951, the Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) is a non-profit, charitable organization that is committed to the dissemination of geographic research and the promotion of geography as a key discipline in education, research, and in the public and private sectors, nationally and internationally. Being a member means joining a network of peers and mentors to share ideas about Canadian geography research, education, and practice. Members of the CAG are part of a community of geographic scholars and professionals who are highly engaged on social, environmental, and scientific issues.
Our strengths are reflected in our membership numbers and high level of activities. The more geographers belong to the CAG, the more we can expand our network to the benefit of all members, and the more we can offer continually improving and evolving services. The CAG works for Geographers – consider joining our community for these and other benefits:
Benefits of a CAG Membership.
The CAG Annual Conference, with registration discounts for members, is an opportunity for geographers from across the country (and beyond) – including geographers from the academic, public, private and non-profit sectors, as well as undergraduate and graduate students – to meet, network, and share their ideas about the theories, methods, and practice of geography, and their passion for the discipline.
Travel grants for students to present papers at national and regional meetings. To be eligible for a grant to the annual meeting, one must be a paid-up student member for both the year of application and the previous year.
Automatic membership in your corresponding CAG Regional Division; they have their own annual meetings and newsletters.
Access to Canadian Geographies, a quarterly international, peer-reviewed, online journal. Beginning in 2018, the opportunity for CAG members to publish Open Access for free (two articles per year (co-)authored by a CAG member). A small selection of other articles (co-)authored by members will be designated Open Access for a period of six weeks, during which time the CAG will help in sharing the them through its networks and social media channels.
The CAG Annual Directory, containing information on programs, faculty members and research interests in Geography departments across Canadian universities.
News and updates that are of relevance to geographers via the CAG Newsletter and the the CAGList listserv.
CAG Study Groups, which bring together geographers with specialized interests. These groups often host themed conference sessions, publish newsletters and proceedings, and provide student support.
Information on geographic careers and career advice across academic, private, public, and non-profit sectors. To illustrate the wide range of specializations across the discipline and the variety of career types in which geographers thrive, the CAG has established the Careers Project to profile a growing list of professional geographers in Canada.
The CAG works with other geographic organizations in Canada and beyond to advocate for strong and relevant geography curricula at the K-12 levels, and promotes the breadth and depth of geographic research and advocates for research support through its memberships to the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences and the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Structuring membership rates that are discounted for students, retirees, individuals with lower incomes, and K-12 teachers. Family memberships as well as associate memberships with the American Association of Geographers (AAG) and the Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG) are also available.
Members of the CAG have access to a variety of resources, including the following:
Student Resources on applying for grad school, applying for scholarships, writing grant proposals, writing a good thesis, tips for graduate students, teaching assistants & postdocs, and more. ​
Career Resources on jobs in geography, leadership, preparing for interviews, early career faculty, networking, career planning, mental health, communication, and more.
A compilation of Job Boards for jobs in geography, GIS/geomatics, environment & conservation, government, and more.
Teaching Resources at the college and university levels; the CAG has assembled an online database of articles related to pedagogy that CAG members can access and search using keywords.
The CAG Membership period is from January 1 through December 31.
Refund Policy:
We will refund payment in full for a membership application within 30 days from the time that payment is received. We reserve the right to change the terms of this Refund Policy.
Contact Us
Canadian Association of Geographers
PO Box 25039
Welland RPO Rose City, ON L3B 6G9