Charitable Funds
Did you know that the CAG is a not-for-profit organization that accepts and manages donations for four different charitable funds?
​​*Please specify which fund you would like to donate to in the note. See full descriptions below.
Official receipts are provided for all donations and can be claimed as charitable donation tax credits.​
​​The Decolonizing & Indigenizing Support Fund (NEW)
The CAG enshrined the Standing Committee on Decolonizing and Indigenizing the Professional Association into its governance structure in 2022; it is an important commitment to disrupt and dismantle white settler colonialism and anti-Indigenous racism in our research, teaching, professional practice, policy-making, and everyday lives. Decolonizing the CAG is more than a meme or a hashtag; contributions to this Committee will be used to support the honoraria provided to the Indigenous Knowledge-holders who are invited by the Co-Chairs as honorary CAG members to witness and advise on the work of this Committee.
The Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Fund
Established in memory of Suzanne Mackenzie, a pioneer in feminist in urban geography who contributed actively to discussions and research about women and geography, this memorial fund is administered by the CAG on behalf of the Feminist Intersectional Solidarity Group (FIGS). The funds are used to support the biennial Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Lecture & Reception at the CAG Annual Meeting.
The Robin P. Armstrong Memorial Fund
Established to commemorate the contributions of Robin P. Armstrong to research on Indigenous issues within the government of Canada and the CAG. This fund supports the Robin P. Armstrong Memorial Prize, which is awarded annually by the Indigenous Peoples' Working Group (IPWG) on behalf of the Armstrong family to recognize Robin P. Armstrong’s contributions in this area. It is intended to recognize and promote excellence in applied research involving Indigenous peoples in Canada.
The 50th Anniversary Fund
Established in honour of the CAG's 50th Anniversary in 2001, donations to this fund support the CAG Student Travel Grant, which provides financial assistance for students to attend the national conference to present a paper or poster.
About the CAG
Contact Us
Canadian Association of Geographers
PO Box 25039
Welland RPO Rose City, ON L3B 6G9