NEW - PCAG Outstanding Undergraduate Coursework Prize
This award is made by the Prairie Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers to acknowledge an outstanding senior undergraduate major project, paper, or assignment that was a significant component of the coursework in a third or fourth-year course taught in the member departments. Nominations can be from any term (Fall, Winter, Spring/Summer); however, only one award per member institution/department will be made each year. For more details, consult the Terms of Reference.
John Welsted Award for Service to Geography in the Western Interior
This award is made by the Prairie Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers to individuals who have played leading roles in the advancement of geographical study, teaching, research, and application in the western interior. Normally one service award is made each year by the Executive Committee following a call for nominations among the members at large. Nominators will be requested to provide outlines of the nominee’s service to geography and secure a seconder for the nomination. The Secretary-Treasurer will circulate the call for nominations. The Executive Committee will meet to make its selection at the Fall Meeting of the Prairie Division. The award will be announced during the banquet at the conference.
Past award winners
John H. Warkentin Award for Scholarly Contributions to the Geography of the Western Interior
This award is made by the Prairie Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers to individuals who have made outstanding scholarly contributions to the geography of the western interior. Normally one scholarly award is made each year by the Executive Committee following a call for nominations among the members at large. Nominators will be requested to provide a list of the nominee’s publications, an outline of his/her scholarly contributions, and to secure a seconder for the nomination. The Secretary-Treasurer will circulate the call for nominations. The Executive Committee will meet to make its selection at the Fall Meeting of the Prairie Division. The award will be announced during the banquet at the conference.
Past award winners
Prairie CAG Early Career Award
The award is made by the Prairie Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) to early career appointees, normally within five years of graduation from a PhD, who have made significant scholarly contributions to the discipline and/or demonstrated exceptional achievement in teaching. Normally one award is made each year by the Executive Committee following a call for nominations among the membership. Nominators will be requested to provide a statement of the nominee’s achievements and career potential, and to secure a seconder for the nomination. Nominees should be members of the Prairie Division of the CAG prior to the time of nomination. The Secretary/Treasurer will circulate the call for nominations. The Executive Committee will meet to make its selection at the Meeting of the Prairie Division. The award will be announced during the annual meeting. Past award winners
Past Award Winners
John Welsted Award for Service to Geography in the Western Interior
2023. Doug Ramsey
2022 not awarded
2021 Brian McGregor
2020 not awarded
2019 not awarded
2016 not awarded
2015 Weldon Hiebert
2014 not awarded
2013 not awarded
2012 David J. McDowell
2011 Bernard D. Thraves
2010 not awarded
2009 Richard Humphrey
2008 not awarded
2007 not awarded
2006 not awarded
2005 John Selwood
2004 Bill Rannie
2003 not awarded
2002 John Lehr
2001 Roderick McGinn
2000 not awarded
1999 not awarded
1998 not awarded
1997 not awarded
1996 not awarded
1995 Alexander Paul
1994 Douglas Munski
1993 not awarded
1992 not awarded
1991 John Welsted
1990 John Everitt
John H. Warkentin Award for Scholarly Contributions to the Geography of the Western Interior
2023 not awarded
2022 not awarded
2021 not awarded
2020 not awarded
2019 Xulin Guo
2018 Roderick A. McGinn
2017 not awarded
2016 not awarded
2015 not awarded
2014 not awarded
2013 not awarded
2012 not awarded
2011 not awarded
2010 not awarded
2009 not awarded
2008 Bill Rannie
2007 not awarded
2006 not awarded
2005 Tom Carter
2004 Randy Widdis
2003 Emdad Haque
2002 Alexander Paul
2001 David Sauchyn
2000 not awarded
1999 not awarded
1998 John Selwood
1997 Aninda Chakravarti
1996 John Welsted
1995 not awarded
1994 John Everitt
1993 William Carlyle
1992 Alan Catchpole
1991 John Lehr
1990 Wayne Moodie
Prairie CAG Early Career Award
2023 not awarded
2022 not awarded
2021 Colin Whitfield
2020 not awarded
2019 not awarded
2018 Rachel Herron
2017 Jonathan Peyton
2016 Matt Dyce
2015 not awarded
2014 not awarded
2013 Emily Eaton
Contact Us
Canadian Association of Geographers
PO Box 25039
Welland RPO Rose City, ON L3B 6G9